Sunday, October 2, 2011

What is a Bug out Bag?

This is a question that may get a slightly different answer from each person that you ask.
As a General Rule – a bug out bag is simply an Emergency Kit that is Pre-made or put together and ready to grab in case an emergency situation occurs and you must flee from an area with a limited amount of emergency or survival gear.
The Bag or Kit should contain – gear and supplies needed to sustain your life and provide some basic needs while you are away from normal living conditions due to an emergency or disaster.
Gear Options will differ - according to a several variables such as, climate, time of year, personal skills/experiences and the likely emergency at hand.
Opinions will vary – from person to person about, “what gear is most important?”
#1 – A Medic may be more inclined to prioritize first aid and medical supplies.
#2 – A person with a military background might be geared towards ammo and meals ready to eat.
#3 – A Woodsman will probably rely more on gear that aids them in using the natural environment to provide for some needs.
#4 – An Urban dweller could lean towards items like a multi tool and a GPS which are more suited to a man made environment.

My Strong Suggestion – Know who you are and where you are. Then build a kit that first gives aid to "The Four Essentials for life," (Essentials are shelter, water, rest and food). Add items to your kit that in some way also cover first aid, navigation, signaling, self defense, and perhaps some comfort options.
Last Word – Be realistic and practical. I’ve seen too many bags that are based on fantasy or wishful thinking. Can you really carry a 90 pound pack? Is a condom practical for use as a canteen? Do you think that "third" gun and case of ammo is more important than shelter, water, rest and food?
That sad fact is that many people seem to gravitate towards videos and/or information that is not grounded in experience. You can help to avoid misinformation by testing out your gear. Visit a store that carries camping supplies and see what works for camping. I recommend practicing a bug out even if only for one day, you’ll be surprised what becomes most important.
Visit me on you tube – Ghostkamo, Ghostsquatter1, Kamoyaker


  1. Ghost, your comments show a lot of insight... thanks for sharing this with us. I also enjoy watching your videos.
